Thursday, 9 November 2017

Kodu Pac-Man

Ghost Code
Pac Code

Pac Code
1.) You can shoot a projectile that will stun the ghost and the ghost will damage you if they touch you.The golden apples will heal you if you have taken damage.

2.) Made Pac able to shoot that will only stun and ghost can damage but golden apples can heal. I did this to make my game much more unique and different from the original.

3.)  Pac was bumping the walls which made the game difficult. Made the halls wider to fix this.

4.) Make the ghost move faster. made the ghost 1.1 which is close to pacs speed which is 1.2.

5.) Make it so that you can win another way other than scoring 500 points. Making the projectiles damage the ghost and killing all can be a way to win.

1 comment:

  1. Good job! I like that you gave health to pac man and it put a brand new twist onto the game.

    -Mr Chen


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