Friday 25 May 2018

Final Project Proposal

- My final project is trying to create a RPG game in Game maker that will have some elements from various RPG games that I have played. I will be learning various things since RPG games have a lot of things. I will try to put not too much elements but enough elements where the player keeps finding new things throughout the game.

Resources I will use

-I will look at multiple different RPG games and look at how they're different from other RPG games and implement it in my game and I will also come up with my own twists.

-I will try to watch at least 2-3 videos per class from the playlist and work on this at home as much as possible.


today i have only watched the first part of the playlist which is this video:
I might not finish the entire playlist so i as i go through i will make changes to my game and in the end try to make my game look finish as much as possible.


Today i started working on the main character sprites and can now start moving and have watched 2 videos today.


Today i have only watched about 3 videos but i wasn't able to work on it at Gamemaker since i worked a huge chunk of it at home but forgot to save it to my Google Drive

Tuesday 15 May 2018

"GameMaker - Asteroids - Part C

i had difficult with making the character not die when its invincible so i had to delete some codes and watch and write the codes again
the only changes is the sprite of the player and it does not affect the game play at all

Wednesday 9 May 2018

GameMaker - Asteroids Part A + B

I had trouble with the collisions because it took me a while to notice that when two asteroids collided the game would be over and i thought the player just had a huge box collision. I fixed this by erasing all the codes and re watching the tutorials again

please mark based on part B

Friday 6 April 2018

GameMaker - Catch The Clown

no difficulties 

Wednesday 4 April 2018

Tuesday 27 February 2018

Indie Game - The Movie

Q: What are some of the difference between "big games" and "independent games" in terms of style/concepts and how they are made?

A: Big games are developed by big companies and have much better graphics while independent games are made by only a single person or a few and their graphics are not as good as big games.

Q: What are some of the difficulties the developers in the film had to overcome?

A: Developers would sacrifice there own time which they would use to socialize with other people and they don't want fans to keep waiting for the game to finish. 

Q: What do you think you would like about working on an indie (independent) game? What do you think you might not like?

A: You don't have to listen to anyone and you can do whatever you want with your own game. It might get frustrating creating the game and the time it would take to create one

Q: What is some advice you could offer to someone who is trying to create their own game, based on what you learned in the film?

A: They should take there time and don't tell fans a release date until you think it's almost done.

Q: For the developers, what is the best part of completing the creation of a game?

A: The best part is seeing fans thoughts and reactions to the game.

Tuesday 6 February 2018

Blender Game Level Modeling - Level 1


Final Project Proposal

- My final project is trying to create a RPG game in Game maker that will have some elements from various RPG games that I have played. I wi...